Atelier: A V 3
15.05.1947 born in st. baranovitchy, belarussince 1950 living in minsk, capital of belarus1960-65 study at the "school of arts nr.1" in minsk1966-71 study at the "academy of arts" in minsksince 1980 member of the "pogonia" a union of artists in belarus1971 first group exhibition in minsk1980 +85 +91 personal exhibition in minsk1994 invited for 3 month to the "centre of experimental arts" to exchange points of views about the development of contemporary arts in belarus1994 personal exhibition in moscow "house of artists"1997 exhibition in centre of experimental arts, vlissingen, netherlands1995-96 invited for 6 month to CAES, an international festival of arts in ris-orangis, france1997 group exhibition in granada, spain1998 exhibition in yilia nova, italy1998 personal exhibition at the national gallery minsk1999 personal exhibition in brüssel, belgium2000 personal exhibition in ris-orangis, paris, franceseit 2000 member of the "international gildia of painters"2001 group exhibition at the tacheles, berlinsince 2001 member of the "contemporary arts association" in the republic of belarus2002 personal exhibition in minsk2002-03 invited for 8 month to the arthouse tacheles2003 exhibition at the tacheles, berlin2004 personal exhibition in minska. rodins works are also in the national museum of art and museum of contemporary art, minsk2005 personal exhibition "freier fall" at the tacheles, berlin2006 group exhibition at the tacheles, berlin
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